After-school Facts & Statistics

According to the Louisiana Center for Children’s Rights, the state’s juvenile prisons spend $419 a day to hold a youth in secure custody. This is a staggering figure when compared to the daily afterschool cost of $9 per participant – One week in juvenile detention is more than one year in a quality after-school program.

Another fiscal component involves the drop-out rate that continues to plague Louisiana’s education system. Nearly 15% of students who enter Louisiana high schools drop out, with each student costing the state $10,500 a year for a child to repeat a grade. Yet quality afterschool school programs address the root of these problems at a fraction of the cost – $1,500 per year. Ten students can attend afterschool for what it costs tax payers for one child to repeat a school grade.

An analysis of 68 afterschool studies found the participants in high-quality afterschool programs go to school more, behave better, receive better grades, and perform better on tests compared to students who don’t participate in afterschool. This is called ABC IMPACT of afterschool: Attendance, Behavior, Coursework.

According to John Hopkins University, students at greatest risk show the greatest gains with increases in school attendance and reductions in behavior incidents and suspensions. These factors primarily contribute to the drop-out rate and grade retention, and John Hopkins concludes that two-thirds of the achievement gap between lower- and higher-income youth can be explained by unequal access to afterschool opportunities.

256,040 kids in LA would attend afterschool programs if they were available.

147,333 kids are on their own during the hours after school in Louisiana.



Broaden Horizons Statistics


From 2008-2018:

2,139 students impacted
191,063 Hot supper meals served
71 baptisms from 2013-2018

While under the 3-year 21st Century Afterschool Learning Grant, all 5 campuses improved in:

ELA 52%
Math 41%
Homework completion 69%
Class participation 76%
Reduction in behavior/discipline referrals 31%

69-96% increase in homework completion in all 5 campuses

Average number of discipline referrals decreased by 3.1 referrals from the beginning of the school year to the end.


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